Create and customize your own product catalog the way you always wanted it to be. Collect payments and generate automated invoices.
Automation as a Service
Sell all kind of digital goods fully automated as low as €0.10 per month. Automate and Pay only for services that your company decides.
Beautiful Self-Service Portal
Your customers will receive beautiful self-service portal, where they will be able to manage all services, buy and renew products.
Sell B2C & B2B from one place.
With our powerful & white label reseller functionality, sell B2B and make your partners - digital service providers
A next Generation Billing & Automation software for Hosters and Telcos, Billia makes for an easier management of your company and services.
It provides you control, multiple integrated systems, handles orders, transactions and product automation.
Subscription-based, pay-to-use or one-time services - all options are covered by Billia!
Billia means Business
The Next Big Thing
Designed to provide full control over your entire stack of tasks, Billia is a software carefully tailored to optimize a company’s efficiency and performance.

Billia is the first completely detached billing from automation software. All integrations comes from our packaging standard: AppCell.
In Billia, we believe, that we should only make money when YOU make money. Because of that our business model is simple: Billia is completely FREE of charge. You pay only for the automated services you are selling as low as 10 cents /per active service /per month